• wedding humor

    What does a Wedding Planner do?

    So, what does a wedding planner actually do? To be quite honest, I don’t think a lot of people know. A bank teller once told me that my job seemed “magical!” Yes “magical” is somewhat correct because I can sometimes make magic happen! LOL! And I have gotten countless people who have told me that my job looks like “so much fun!” Now don’t get me wrong, it is, but it also involves a lot of hard and labor-intensive work. So, I thought it would be fun this week to create some gifs to show everyone’s different perception of what we do. Hope you enjoy! WHAT MY FRIENDS THINK I…

  • Behind the Scenes,  Real Alaskan Weddings

    This is the “ugly!”

    Okay, I guess you are due for an “ugly” story! When people find out I’m a wedding planner, their first response is usually “Wow, that’s so cool!” (Thank you JLo!) And then their next response is, “I bet you have some good stories to tell!” Yeah, I’ve got stories, I’ve got good ones, I’ve got bad ones, and I’ve got ugly ones. Thankfully, I don’t have too many ugly ones! So, let’s talk about a wedding that I had back in 2013 that seriously haunts me till this day! This couple booked me for a Wedding Day Direction package, which is wedding day management. The planning of it was left…

  • Behind the Scenes,  Wedding Pro Tips

    Strike a pose!

    So, I did a little thing the other day, I finally got professional photos taken for my i do Events website. I figured it was time to switch out that old selfie for a proper photo! Part of the reason why it took me so long, as I was waiting for the right moment, you know the moment when you’ve lost all that weight and you are feeling sexy and you know it? Yeah well, I determined after 8 years, that moment was not coming anytime soon! So I just needed to “just do it!” Thanks, Nike for the motivational quote! I think the hardest decision for me was who…

  • Behind the Scenes,  Life in Alaska

    One of the best Thank You’s ever!

    I remember that exact moment in 2016 when she “popped the question!” We were at Kaladi Brothers having our usual wedding pre-planning meeting…”As a thank you, would you like to go on a helicopter ride with Turner and me?” Um, yeah, do birds fly??? And that’s how it happened. But life also happens, and years went by, and then out of the blue, I got a call. “Hey Lorell, it’s Audry!” It hit me by surprise because for the first 20 seconds or so, I had no idea who I was talking to! She explained that she was now 8 months pregnant, and wanted to do a maternity shoot on…